Flea & Tick Control In Lunenburg, Leominster, Concord, & Nearby MA Areas
Remove unwanted pests that can cause painful bites and carry diseases from your property with our flea and tick control services.
Remove unwanted pests that can cause painful bites and carry diseases from your property with our flea and tick control services.
No one wants to find a tick on them after being outside in their yard or to see fleas on their pets. The bites from these bugs can cause many other undesirable side effects and diseases, which is one of the many reasons you should consider employing a flea and tick control program.
We provide flea and tick control treatments in May, July, and September for residential and commercial properties throughout Worcester and Middlesex County areas such as Lunenburg, Leominster, Concord, Westford, and more.
Fleas are small, pesky insects that will latch on to pets or humans and quickly infest the inside of your home or business. Getting rid of a flea infestation inside your home or business is difficult, as there are many more cracks and crevices for them to hide in and reproduce. The best way to stop that from happening is to be proactive and kill off the ones that are residing in your lawn. Preventing fleas is much easier than having to treat for them and trying to kill them when they are most active.
These insects can also carry harmful diseases and cause long-lasting problems for you or your pets if left unchecked. Diseases that fleas can carry include murine typhus, tularemia, and even the bubonic plague. Fleas can also transmit tapeworms to your pets, as well as cause anemia due to blood loss, particularly in puppies and kittens.
Keeping these pests out of your yard can help mitigate any health issues they may cause and can help you feel less stressed. It also reduces the risk of your families, guests, or customers getting bitten by a flea while visiting your property.
Fleas are generally most active during the warmer months and tend to go dormant or die off during the colder months.
In Massachusetts, it’s estimated that almost 90,000 people are getting infected with Lyme disease each year, according to the Boston Globe. Additionally, the state saw a 260 percent increase in cases of ehrlichiosis/anaplasmosis from 2016 to 2017.
These diseases are transmitted by ticks, an arachnid that lives on your grass, shrubs, and trees if your yard isn’t properly treated for them. The most common types of ticks in our state are dog ticks and deer ticks.
Deer ticks, or black-legged ticks, can be as small as a poppy seed when they are young and will grow to be about as big as a sesame seed. These ticks are the type that spread Lyme disease and ehrlichiosis, and both young and adult deer ticks will bite humans. Dog ticks can transmit Rocky Mountain spotted fever and adult dog ticks bite humans.
It’s important to keep these bugs out of your yard in order to prevent these harmful diseases being transmitted to you, your family, or your customers. These diseases have side effects that can last for a long time.
We provide three treatments during the warmer months to help control the presence of fleas and ticks in your yard. Give us a call today at (978) 582-1594 if you’re in Worcester or Middlesex County, including Lunenburg, Leominster, Concord, Westford, and more.
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